Private Client Risk & Resilience

Automatic Water Shutoff Valves - The Next Big Thing in Personal Risk Management and Sustainability featuring Mariel Devesa of Phyn

July 23, 2020 Episode 9

Podcast Overview:
In this podcast, Mariel Devesa of Phyn provides an in depth overview of the Phyn automatic water shutoff valve device, Phyn Plus, and how it is helping homeowners prevent major water damage from leaks and how it allows homeowners to contribute to our planet's water conservation efforts.

Podcast Highlights:

  • Less than 2% of homes have a water leak detection system in place today. 
  • 10% of the water used in a home is lost to leaks from dripping faucets, leaking toilet flappers, etc.
  • 1,200 gallons per day is lost on average from a leaky toilet flapper. That is enough to fill an average size swimming pool. 
  • 70% of the Earth is covered by water, but only 3% of that is drinkable. Of that 3% only 1% is accessible. 
  • Today there are 8 billion on the planet earth. By 2100 there will be approximately 11 billion people and 2 out 3 people will experience a shortage of water. 

Featured Guest:
Mariel Devesa
Global Head of Business Development at Phyn

Discount on the Phyn Device for Private Client Risk and Resilience Podcast Listeners.