Private Client Risk & Resilience
Private Client Risk & Resilience
The Realities of Wildfire and How Science Can Help with OP Almaraz and Tim Bauer of Allied Disaster Defense
Personal Risk Advisor and CEO of RiskRevu, Kurt Thoennessen, CAPI, OP Almaraz, CEO of Allied Disaster Defense, and Tim Bauer Senior Vice President of Allied Disaster Defense's Private Client Group have an informative conversation about the strategies being used today to harden homes against the threat of wildfire in California. In this episode OP and Tim share what they have learned from their extensive experience helping high net worth individuals, celebrities and entertainers recover from disaster. One of the most important lessons they share in this episode is the best way to protect yourself from wildfire is by taking steps to protect your property before the wildfire even starts. They talk extensively about home hardening, what it is, and how homeowners can harden their homes. They give advice on the most important steps to take and steps to avoid. This episode is a crash course in home hardening and wildfire defense that will give you the insight you need protect yourself or your clients from the threat of wildfire.
Resources mentioned:
- https://www.alliedrestore.com/
- NFPA.org - National Fire Protection Association
- IBHS.org - Insurance Institute For Business and Home Safety
- https://www.usfa.fema.gov/wui/ - Wildland Urban Interface
- California Building Code - https://up.codes/viewer/california/ca-building-code-2016/chapter/7A/sfm-materials-and-construction-methods-for-exterior-wildfire-exposure#7A
- First regulation to enforces nation’s first wildfire safety regulation to help drive down cost of insurance - http://www.insurance.ca.gov/0400-news/0100-press-releases/2022/release076-2022.cfm#:~:text=Commissioner%20Lara's%20regulation%20is%20the,with%20state%20emergency%20preparedness%20agencies.